Interested in Writing for Our Blog?
We are always looking for gifted writers to contribute articles on topics related to preaching, pastoral ministry, and leadership.
We are looking for articles that meet with following criteria:
The suggested word count is 600-1,000 words.
All submissions must align with the goals and vision of the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership.
All submissions must be in conformity with the Baptist Faith and Message (2000).
Be brief, clear, and conversational.
Be “you-focused.” Focus on your readers, and use personal pronouns.
Remember that you are writing to students, pastors, and church leaders. Make sure your article submission has this audience in mind.
Theologically and doctrinally sound.
DO NOT send the following:
Ideas, pitches, or incomplete articles.
Academic papers or journal entries.
Reminders before submission:
Make sure your article has been proofread. Consider recruiting a trusted friend or spouse to read over your article before submitting it for consideration. Any article submission with multiple typos and grammatical errors will be rejected for submission.
It may take some time to review your article submission. Please be patient with our staff as we review submissions.
We do not offer compensation for articles.
How to submit article submissions:
To submit articles for consideration, please email [email protected]. Please be sure to include your name, church, title, ministry experience, and contact information (including social media handles) along with your article submission. We also ask that you include a short bio and headshot that we can use if your article is used.