Applying the Sermon to Generation Z
Generation Z (Gen Z) are the digital natives in our church. Most of them do not remember life […]
Applying the Sermon to Generation Z
Generation Z (Gen Z) are the digital natives in our church. Most of them do not remember life […]
Preaching to Short Attention Spans
In a world of endless distractions, it can seem that attention spans are getting shorter. We see how digital media is designed to cater to short attention spans by feeding people with snack-sized news stories, tweets, and videos, in order to keep their gaze captivated for as long as possible before they get bored and move on.
We Need Holy Youth Pastors
What my students need most from me is my personal holiness.There has been no shortage of discussion surrounding the reasons why there is an exodus of 18-year-olds that walk away from Christ and his church after graduation. Plenty of contributing reasons exists, such as: they weren’t integrated into the life of the church, they did not see Christian faith modeled at home, or their youth ministry was centered around entertainment.
The Need for Expository Preaching in Student Ministry
Teenagers are hungry for the glory of God and they don’t even know it (John 4:10).Often in student ministry, we lower the bar for our teenagers. We assume that they are coming to our gatherings merely to enjoy games and hype instead of Christ and him crucified. In reality, teenagers are searching for a joy that is greater than the cheap pleasure the world is offering them.
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