9 Ways A Pastor Might Prioritize Evangelism
I’ve said it before on this site: “I’ve never seen an evangelistic church without an evangelistic pastor.” If […]
9 Ways A Pastor Might Prioritize Evangelism
I’ve said it before on this site: “I’ve never seen an evangelistic church without an evangelistic pastor.” If […]
9 Simple Ways to Begin Reaching Your Community For Christ
If you read this blog much, you know my heart for the nations that don’t know Christ. At […]
8 Reasons the Pastor Matters Most in a Church’s Evangelistic Efforts
In my decades of studying churches, I’ve never seen an evangelistic church not led by an evangelistic pastor. […]
Yes, You Can Still Share the Gospel Right Now!
With these three questions, the Apostle Paul highlights the importance of our verbal witness in personal evangelism. It is true that Christians should be kind, compassionate, and demonstrate love and justice. We should help the poor, feed the hungry, and care for the oppressed and neglected. However, none of these remove the one responsibility that Christians alone bear, which is sharing Christ with a lost world.
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