Panel on Preaching Through Acts | Christ-Centered Exposition Workshop 2019
Ronjour Locke, Assistant Director of the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership, moderates a “Panel Discussion on Preaching […]
Panel on Preaching Through Acts | Christ-Centered Exposition Workshop 2019
Ronjour Locke, Assistant Director of the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership, moderates a “Panel Discussion on Preaching […]
Preaching Through Acts | Christ-Centered Exposition Workshop 2019
Tony Merida, Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh,NC, presents a lecture titled, “Preaching […]
Modeling Prayer
If prayer is crucial for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, we as leaders must teach our people how to pray, both informally and formally. We also should teach our people what God’s Word says about prayer. We do this by examining how the early disciples and most importantly, Jesus, prayed in the Scriptures. Our people will then understand how their prayers connect to their sanctification and ultimately, to God’s mission.
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