7 Things to Do When You’re Mad at A Church Member
It happens. Church members get angry with each other. When we do, though, here are some steps to […]
7 Things to Do When You’re Mad at A Church Member
It happens. Church members get angry with each other. When we do, though, here are some steps to […]
The Phantoms of Pastoral Ministry
I must confess: I am a pastor, and I have anger issues. No, not issues because of ministry or because of church members. Just issues — because I’m me. I want what I want when I want it. And if I don't get it, I tend to get mad. I’ve learned to hide it well, I think. But if you get close enough you’ll pick up on my anger. Yet God sees it all. I can’t hide from him. That even tempts me to anger. Goodness, I have issues. Can anyone relate?
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