Panel: Hot Topics in Pastoral Ministry
Dr. Tate Cockrell leads a panel discussion on “hot topics” in pastoral ministry with Drs. Dwayne Milioni, John […]
Panel: Hot Topics in Pastoral Ministry
Dr. Tate Cockrell leads a panel discussion on “hot topics” in pastoral ministry with Drs. Dwayne Milioni, John […]
Should Churches Observe the Lord’s Supper Online?
With the COVID-19 pandemic making church gatherings unwise at best, many churches in recent days have moved to live-streaming or offering their services online. My own church has been one of those. Psalm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday are approaching. In many churches, these have been times when an observance of the Lord’s Supper has seemed especially appropriate and meaningful. But should a church observe the Lord’s Supper online, with members partaking in their homes? I think we can best answer that question by reflecting on the meaning of the Lord’s Supper. Why did the Lord command us to do this practice in the first place? What are we saying when we do this?
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