Make Time for Rest
Before you read any further, grab a piece of paper and a pencil and jot down a summary […]
Make Time for Rest
Before you read any further, grab a piece of paper and a pencil and jot down a summary […]
Episode 161: Struggling with Rest
15 Signs You Might Need a Day Off
Frankly, I’ve met a lot of church leaders who are just weary. If that’s where you are, here […]
Pastor, Your Church Needs You to Take a Vacation
There are two types of sleep: BC and AD. Before Children and After Death. God does not take naps, but you might need one. Far too many pastors do not get a proper cycle of rest. In the fourth commandment, God set up a pattern of work and rest. This pattern goes back to the creation account in which God rested on the seventh day.
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