The Pastor Matters Podcast seeks to equip and encourage pastors in whatever ministry context they find themselves in. Join Chuck and Caleb each week as they dive into various preaching and pastoral leadership topics. We desire to see pastors lead healthy, disciple-making churches for the glory of God around the world!
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Episode 5: Pastors and Big Bad Wolves
We live in an age of distraction. Even before the COVID-19 crisis, pastors were in a battle over the formation of their sheep. Are churches losing this battle to form Christians because of media consumption? How has COVID-19 affected the way Christians are being spiritually formed?
Episode 4: Pastors and Waiting
Waiting is not easy, and it can test us in more ways than one. Having a desire to pastor a church, but still be waiting on an opportunity to come along can be difficult.Join Ronjour and Brandon this week as they talk about productive ways to grow while sitting in the “waiting room.”
Episode 3: Pastors and Race
How should pastors and churches respond to instances of racial injustice and protests? Should pastors use both their platform and voices to speak out against injustice of all kinds?Join us this week, as we continue a previous conversation on race.
Episode 2: Pastors and Social Media
Should pastors have rules in place as they use their various social media platforms? Is having a social media account just to keep up with your church members a bad motive or an opportunistic way to shepherd your sheep?
Episode 1: Pastors and COVID-19
The past few months have been difficult for everyone, especially pastors. This week we want to talk about what we have learned over the past few months as COVID-19 continues to prevent churches from gathering together. We hope this conversation will help you as you lead your churches through these difficult times.