
Episode 125: Lessons on Leadership with Dr. Danny Akin

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What qualities make a great leader? What are some failures seen in Christian leaders today? How do leaders lead their team well?

In this episode, Dr. Akin reflects on his leadership journey, leadership mentors, and lessons learned.

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Resources in this episode:

Connect with Dr. Akin through his website by visiting danielakin.com.

Dr. Akin is the sixth president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and has been serving in the role since 2004.

Pastor Matters is produced by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Find out how Southeastern can equip you to GO by visiting sebts.edu.

  • Leadership
Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership

The Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership exists to equip and encourage pastors to lead healthy, disciple-making churches for the glory of God around the world.

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