Pastoral Burnout

The Emotional Health of the Pastor Webinar Video

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In his October webinar “The Emotional Health of the Pastor”, Dr. Tate Cockrell discusses the importance of emotional health for pastors and church leaders. He identifies signs of emotional unhealth, offers practical solutions for improving emotional health, and stresses empowering ministry leaders in knowing when to say no to maintain a healthy balance in ministry.

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Timothy Scholars

Students who have a calling to pastoral ministry in a local church can complete a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Divinity in five years through the Timothy Scholars program (BA to MDiv). Students in this program must have a passion for learning and maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher. Timothy Scholars (BA to MDiv) students also have the opportunity to complete coursework under the leadership of a local church pastor, complete mission hours both nationally and internationally, and experience ministry first hand

  • Pastoral Burnout
Pastors Center

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