
Episode 174: The Emotional Health of the Pastor

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For this week, we have the audio recording from Dr. Tate Cockrell’s October webinar “The Emotional Health of the Pastor.” Dr. Cockrell discusses the importance of emotional health for pastors and church leaders. He identifies signs of emotional unhealth, offers practical solutions for improving emotional health, and stresses empowering ministry leaders in knowing when to say no to maintain a healthy balance in ministry.

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Resources in this episode:
For more information about Dr. Tate Cockrell and his recommended resources, visit

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Prayer is Power

Prayer is one area of the Christian life where we tend to have more questions than answers, especially when we consider not only praying on our own but praying together as a church. We want to pray, we know we ought to pray, but sometimes we don’t know where to start. When we look to Scripture, we find that prayer is the personal and public plea of God’s people to our Father who hears us. It is one of the means by which God shapes His people both individually and corporately. Corporate prayer is a particular time when the Holy Spirit knits His people together in Him, and to one another.

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