
Recommended Resource: Spirit-Led Preaching

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Zac Menser, the grant manager for our Pastors’ Center and occasional co-host of the “Pastor Matters” podcast, has enjoyed this resource—a book that was a 2007 Christianity Today award winner:

Spirit-Led Preaching: The Holy Spirit’s Role in Sermon Preparation and Delivery by Greg Heisler

“Preaching simply does not happen apart from the Holy Spirit. In fact, preaching is the Spirit’s ministry! Spirit-Led Preaching helps readers understand preaching from the Spirit’s point of view and teaches about the Spirit’s role in both the preparation and delivery process, showing what it means to be truly empowered by the Spirit when you preach. It also explains the crucial connection between Word and Spirit as they depend on each other to bring about spiritual transformation in the lives of the congregation. This revised edition includes a new chapter on the congregation’s role in relationship to the Spirit and preaching—a subject not often mentioned in books on preaching. Spirit-led Preaching is a book written by a pastor to pastors and students of preaching and is filled with personal examples from the author’s own preaching ministry. It has encouraged both novice students of preaching as well as seasoned pulpit veterans for over a decade.”


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MDiv Preaching and Pastoral Ministry

The Preaching and Pastoral Ministry track prepares students for pastoral ministry in the local church with a special emphasis on expository preaching.

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