We’re excited to announce that Dr. Allan Moseley, Senior Professor of OT and Hebrew at SEBTS, will become the Assistant Director of the Pastors’ Center on February 1. Dr. Moseley is a veteran pastor and professor, and we’re pleased to recommend one of his books:
From the Study to the Pulpit: An 8-Step Method for Preaching and Teaching the Old Testament
by Allan Moseley
“Many pastors struggle with preaching the Old Testament. As a professor and pastor, Allan Moseley’s vast experience and knowledge go a long way in helping expositors enrich their pulpit ministry.
The purpose of his book is to offer both exegetical and preaching help by means of a workable 8-step method. The author’s preaching model starts with the initial step of determining the genre and meaning of the text to doing word studies and discovering the main ideas of the text to applying the sermon in a life-changing and Christ-honoring manner.
Some books on preaching from the Old Testament are written by authors who do not actually preach, or preach only occasionally. Pastors and budding preachers need a book written by someone who has knows what it is like to be a pastor and has prepared sermons every week for years. His book reflects his classroom teaching on the subjects of exposition and hermeneutics, and it provides helpful illustrations of expositional principles that rise from his own preaching ministry.”
– Amazon
Timothy Scholars
Students who have a calling to pastoral ministry in a local church can complete a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Divinity in five years through the Timothy Scholars program (BA to MDiv). Students in this program must have a passion for learning and maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher. Timothy Scholars (BA to MDiv) students also have the opportunity to complete coursework under the leadership of a local church pastor, complete mission hours both nationally and internationally, and experience ministry first hand
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