Christ-Centered Exposition Workshop Journal Giveaway

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Have you registered yet for the Christ-Centered Exposition Workshop in March? If you already have, congratulations! You have been automatically entered into our drawing for 5 CPPL branded journals! If you aren’t registered for CCE25, do so by January 31, 2025, to enter to win a CPPL journal.

To enter your name into the drawing:

  1. Follow us on social media (see links below) and find our Friday, January 17 video post featuring Caleb holding the journal on either Facebook or Instagram.
  2. LIKE AND SHARE the post.
  3. Then REGISTER for the Christ-Centered Exposition Workshop on March 20, 2025, at SEBTS.

Facebook at “The Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership”

   Instagram at “theCPPL”


We’ll announce the 5 winners of the drawing in February.

Keep following us online for information about Pastor Center and SEBTS events and helpful resources. It is our mission and privilege at the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership to equip and encourage pastors to lead healthy, disciple-making churches for the glory of God around the world.

Pastors Center

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