“Where do you go when your calling collides with the corruption of people who call themselves Christians?” Mark Vroegop, lead pastor of College Park Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, preaches on Psalm 55 about how we must not cease talking to God in our pain of ministry. Lament psalms teach us this. We must keep talking to Him.
Ministry, regardless of where it is or what role you have, is hard. It isn’t long until that passionate calling, that burning desire to help people, collides head on with unrealistic expectations, traumatic events, emotional conflicts, leadership challenges and your own personal insecurities. Suddenly the dark clouds of disappointment can roll in and they can roll in really quickly…..We can pray prayers of pain that lead to trust.
Lack of prayer during difficult times can lead to pastors isolating themselves or even depression. Lament can serve as a healthy outlet for the many challenges we face in life.
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