Pastor Appreciation Month

Pastor Appreciation Month Giveaways

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October is Pastor Appreciation Month, so we want to say, “Thank you, pastors.” For the entire month of October, we will be giving away some fantastic prizes like books, Pastors’ Center merch, and more!

To enter your name in our weekly drawings, follow us on social media!

Facebook at “The Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership”

Instagram at “theCPPL”

Congratulations to all of our Pastor Appreciation Month 2024 winners! Pastors, we truly appreciate all that you do all year long! Keep following us online for information about Pastor Center and SEBTS events and helpful resources. It is our mission and privilege at the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership to equip and encourage pastors to lead healthy disciple-making churches for the glory of God around the world.

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MDiv Preaching and Pastoral Ministry

The Preaching and Pastoral Ministry track prepares students for pastoral ministry in the local church with a special emphasis on expository preaching.

  • Pastor Appreciation Month
Pastors Center

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